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Discuss Thomas Hardy as a poet | Hardy writing style

Hardy is famous as a great novelist yet he started his career as a poet and it also ended as a poet. early in life, he wrote on architecture and also poems. about 1865 he published his first article-” how I built myself a house''. He purchased Walker's rhyming dictionary and started writing poems. He gave up the writing of poems for novels as it was a more popular medium of the period.  late in life when there was an adverse criticism of his novels he took to writing of the poetry (after Jude the obscure).

 He wrote the followings- Time’s laughingstocks 1909, satires of fantasises 1925, And lastly the dynasts 1903-1908, So it can be said that Hardy possessed a great poet genius.

He was thus given great poetic lights and imagination, so his novels contain beautiful poetic descriptions, similes and metaphors. According to Lord David Cecil “, he presents his theme in a higher emotional key then most novelists do and Conceives It in in more imaginative terms.” hence his style has intensity e in it.

while Scott James remarks about him as follows,” Hardy a meditative poet gives to the novel a sublimity which his own country has not obtained before. He has also elevated the function of the novel and succeeded in placing it among the greatest literary forms.”

Use Poetic Prose 

Hardy’s style has been much criticised and also much defended. Though there is the” the luxurious, Mossy, redolent, sensuousness off Hardy's phrases and neologisms we find today that is dialogue has grown somewhat stiff and his descriptive writing stilted.''

According to church “was remains the prose of the poet in close contact with things, a creature of tangibility Even in imaginary to the handling of or subtract ideas. there is indeed a Keats like quality in Hardy.”  according to him. “hardy’s description of Tess coming down, on a hot summer afternoon, form her nap to the silent kitchen and yawning Like a Sunned cat

poetic quality in hardy's character

Walter Allen finds the poetic quality in Hardy's character. He remarks “poetry is the constant attendant of Hardy’s, tragic character. it is not intellectual poetry, like Meredith’s, it is much more  primitive and the Magical, and always its whiteness the significance of the characters and the reader’s   consequences of their tragic structure.” David Cecil remarks. “even when he is out to make an Effect of ugliness, he cannot help tinging it with poetic colour.”

According to him, Hardy is a poet. He remarks “The poet Hardy once remarked ‘take note of nothing that he cannot feel emotivity. In this sense, Hardy was a poet in all his work.”  This remark has been proved correct bi examples of Hardy's description quoted above. father according to him Hardy’s method of treatment confined to the description. 

he tells the story in the same way.”  he refers to Bathsheba’s meeting with Troy and Hardy’s description of it and points to its greatness in the following words- “it is an extremely good me Hod of description, not of Flaubert or Tolstoy, But of Keats or Coleridge. ‘ 

His use similes and metaphors

 Hardy’s poetry quality is also reflected in his use of similes and metaphors throughout. His similes and metaphors show His felicity illuminating powers and precision. Lord David Cecil remarks as follows “to the poet’s eye he added the poet’s finer sensibility to the use of language. Eustace's Pagan eyes Full of nocturnal Mysteries, the bonfire casting a kingly effulgence over Egdon in these phrases Hardy in the favour of inspiration, has struck a chord which sets the reader's imagination to stir like a line of Shakespeare or Donne.”

 In calculation,

Hardy as a poet

it can be said that Hardy was a poet and his poetic quality pervades His novels. Marlowe was a poet who cast his poetry in the form of drama.  similarly, Hardy cast his poetry in the form of a novel.

 The Fame of Hardy chiefly Resets on his novels. but while going through his novels, we feel the poetic flow. Some of his sentences seem to be pure verse in the Garb of prose. The two poems of the Hardy, “the darkling Thrush” And “afterwards” show that Hardy was a keen and detached observe of his life. His touch with nature is never romantic. hisses it as it is Hardy does not hesitate to realise bitter and hard-boiled Realities of life.

 what Hardy has tried to say in his heavy volumes of novels have successfully expressed in his small size poem. every verse of Hardy seems to be asserting that Hardy was a philosopher. it is a surprising fact that hardy's poems are not overwhelmed with pessimism rather they are inspiring 

For Example          

               “Till they rise again,

                As they were a new bell’s boom.” 

